Grupo Azeta - Finanzas Corporativas - Haya Capital
Grupo Azeta - Finanzas Corporativas - Haya Capital

Corporate finance


Haya Capital offers specialised corporate finance advisory services to companies, at different stages of their life cycle, and to financial investors looking for opportunities that fit within their investment policies

Haya Capital advises its clients with a resolute approach, creating value for the entrepreneur and the investor. To this end, it defines corporate strategies, provides new analysis tools and facilitates the decision-making process for the management team

Collaboration with Haya Capital allows clients to improve their competitive and financial situation, defining an action plan adapted to their market and business situation

Advising on mergers and acquisitions

Haya Capital advises its clients in operations of purchase, sale and mergers of companies, accompanying them throughout the process, until the closing of the transaction

Haya Capital advises the buyer in the search for the company that best suits his needs and guides him through the entire acquisition process, from valuation, preparation of the non-binding offer, due diligence processes, presentation of the binding offer, and negotiation, to the closing of the transaction

Haya Capital advises the seller in finding the buyer that maximises its value, guides the seller through the sale process, from the preparation of the sale booklet, the valuation of the company, the negotiation with the various counterparties, the evaluation of the offers received, and the organisation of the data room, to the closing of the transaction

Haya Capital advises companies in merger processes, accompanying the parties throughout the process, carrying out company valuations and calculating the exchange ratio. For this type of advice, Haya Capital uses the following work scheme:

  • Definition of homogeneous criteria to be used in the financial projections of each company.
  • Valuation of the companies independently
  • Valuation of the synergies derived from the merger
  • Joint valuation and share swap proposal

Advice on purchasing processes

Haya Capital advises companies competing in mature sectors with a high level of competition, where size (economies of scale) is a key success factor. On many occasions the acquisition of an operating company is a possibility to be considered

Haya Capital advises the client in the acquisition process, to identify suitable candidates and negotiate the acquisition:

  • Sector analysis
  • Analysis of market trends and strategies of the main competitors
  • Definition of criteria for candidate selection
  • Shortlisting of potential candidates
  • Assessment of selected candidates
  • Advice on the negotiation and acquisition process (drafting of non-binding offer, binding offer, coordination of meetings and due diligence, and closing of the transaction)

Search for an industrial and/or financial partner

Haya Capital advises entrepreneurs who are close to retirement and have no generational replacement. In many cases, the best alternative to capitalise on the efforts of many years is the sale of the company with the best possible conditions for the seller

Haya Capital guides the entrepreneur throughout the sales process by performing the necessary tasks:

  • Valuation of the company
  • Preparation of the sales book
  • Drawing up the list of potential buyers:
    • Financial investors
    • Family Offices
    • Companies in the sector
    • Industrial groups wishing to integrate vertically
    • The management team itself (MBO)
  • Advice during the negotiation phase:
    • Receipt of non-binding offers
    • Evaluation and selection of the best offer
    • Co-ordination of the entire due diligence process
  • Closing of the transaction

Sector consolidation (Build up)

Haya Capital advises companies in highly atomised sectors where a consolidation process has started or is expected to start. In this situation, the entrepreneur must decide whether to lead the consolidation through acquisitions or to sell by maximising value

Haya Capital offers services of:

  • Advising the entrepreneur in the analysis of the possible alternatives in the context of consolidation (leading the concentration, partial or total sale of the company, integration into another existing group or creation of a new operator by merging several companies, etc.)
  • Advising the entrepreneur throughout the process on the selected strategic alternative

Analysis and assessment of new business lines

Haya Capital advises groups that have adopted diversification strategies and have a portfolio of investees that require periodic reviews to detect investment/disinvestment opportunities to maximise their profitability

Sometimes the sectors in which companies operate do not offer growth opportunities while the company has idle resources. Planning a diversification strategy that allows entry into new businesses can be an attractive alternative

Haya Capital advises its clients by carrying out:

  • Company analysis
  • Analysis of the target sector
  • Analysis and development of a diversification strategy
  • Preparation of the business plan
  • Identification, valuations and acquisitions of selected companies

Company valuation

Haya Capital advises its clients on all types of corporate transactions. In many of them, the valuation of the company is essential in order to be able to carry them out

In addition, companies often face unique shareholding situations (issuance of stock options, purchase from an outgoing shareholder, entry of resources through capital increase, distribution of inheritances, shareholder agreements that block strategic decisions, financial groups that need to divest), for which it is necessary to have a rigorous valuation that facilitates decision-making