Search for funding
Haya Capital advises companies that need additional resources for their projects, whether for the implementation of expansion plans (organic or via acquisitions), for investment in new production equipment, or for financial restructuring operations that optimise the capital structure or ensure its viability
Through an analysis of the company, Haya Capital, in collaboration with the management team, defines the financial strategy to be followed, prepares a work plan adapted to the needs of the company, prepares the necessary documentation for negotiations with fund providers, and actively participates in negotiations with them
Haya Capital creates a financial strategy by drawing up the specific financial plan alongside the CEO/CFO, which allows different scenarios to be established, analysing the evolution of the company in each of them and detecting the resource needs that arise within the projection horizon, thus facilitating decision making
Searching for and raising funds
Haya Capital advises companies in their search for bank and non-bank financing, seeking instruments to optimise their financial structure:
- Mezzanine financing
- Participating loans
- PIK loans
- Preference shares
Optimization of financial structures
Haya Capital advises companies who seek to improve their funding sources and to optimize their capital structure
Haya Capital advises its clients in defining their optimal financing structure in the short, medium and long term according to different scenarios. To this end, the following activities are carried out:
- Calculation of cash generation capacity
- Determination of actual financing needs
- Designing the optimal debt-to-equity ratio
- Selection of the most appropriate financing instruments
- Negotiating and raising the new financial resources from fund providers: financial institutions and private investors
Project finance
Project Finance is an instrument for financing large-scale investments, based on the capacity of the project itself to generate cash flows that cover, firstly, the debt service and adequately compensate entrepreneurs and shareholders
Haya Capital advises private companies and public bodies on the study and financial modelling of the project to be financed
In order to prepare the financial model, Haya Capital carries out the following activities:
- Sectoral analysis
- Analysis of the applicable legislation, especially in sectors subject to subsidies and regulated tariffs
- Calculation of the optimal financing structure
- Development of the mathematical model fed by the defined working hypotheses
Finally, Haya Capital advises its clients in negotiations with financial institutions
Debt restructuring
Debt restructuring comprises the tasks associated with the search for and renegotiation of sources of financing, with the aim of modifying the company’s capital structure, thereby improving its ability to pay
Financial restructuring must be accompanied by operational and strategic restructuring, so both projects must be developed in parallel and in a coherent manner, ensuring the viability of the company
Haya Capital applies its experience in the preparation of business and viability plans to the development of this type of project. Normally, the contracting of these services involves the following activities:
- Analysis of the current situation of the company and its sector, understanding the causes that lead to the need for refinancing
- Preparation of a viability plan that allows the company to set and meet the established objectives. The viability plan is drawn up in consensus with the company’s management and includes the following content:
- Description of the business model
- Analysis of the current macroeconomic environment, the situation of the sector and the main competitors
- Analysis of the company’s financial situation
- Analysis of the production processes and associated costs, by business unit
- Development of a financial model to estimate the company’s cash flows for each business scenario, as well as the company’s repayment capacity under different hypotheses
- Preparation of the financing proposal, which will include the following sections:
- Analysis and recommendation of financing alternatives, based on the company’s debt structure and viability plan
- General structure of the operation: refinancing and/or new financing
- Structuring: tranches, type of financing (syndicated, syndicated loans, confirming, mortgages, etc.)
- Terms and conditions: term and cost (reference rate, spreads, hedging)
- Guarantees for the operation (mortgages, guarantees, pledges, pledges, pledges)
- Distribution of credits among lending institutions
- Schedule of disbursements and repayments (by contract, accelerated repayment, cash-sweep)
- Margin call ratios and covenants (debt service coverage ratio, equity, restrictions on dividend payments, restrictions on new investment)
- Advice on negotiations with financial institutions:
- Presentation and argumentation of the Viability Plan before financial institutions
- Resolving doubts about the refinancing proposal
- Adjustment of the Viability Plan in the face of potential modifications to the refinancing proposal
- Coordination with legal advisors for the closing of the transaction and during the potential Due Diligence process